
personalised Movement Training

Personalised Pilates sessions are tailored to meet your own needs and goals, at the pace you would like to take. These sessions are ideal for overall strength, flexibility and personal goals, rehabilitation, improving posture, reducing pain, pre-post natal preparation & recovery, and the mind-body connection.

These 55 & 40 minute sessions are all about taking some time for yourself to achieve your own personal goals, from the comfort of your own space. As our bodies change day to day, I adapt exercises and approach to training to meet your body on that day.

Sessions are held live - online via Zoom.

Before undertaking private training, an Initial Consultation is required to introduce yourself and your body so that I can begin to understand your body, injuries, concerns, objectives etc. This is important as it informs the exercises I will consider for you and the goals you are working towards.



Special Offer ~ Jan 2023

Free — 25 mins ‘Initial Consultation’

* Initial Consultations are required at the commencement of training . This is an opportunity for me to get to know more about your personal needs, goals, injuries etc so that I am able to begin to devise training to suit you personally.


55 Minute Sessions :-

10 Private Sessions - $1,190

5 Private Sessions - $600

40 Minute sessions :-

10 Private Sessions - $840

5 Private Sessions - $425