Mosman Rowers class with theraband

join the community

Pilates Mat Classes weekly at 12pm at the Mosman Rowers !



Come along to join the community !

Challenge yourself with weekly Pilates Classes at Mosman Rowers to get your body moving & feeling stronger, while connecting with the local community!

Build strength, reduce pain, improve posture, and feel great! Please bring your own mat, thera-band, water & towel.

If you’re new to our group mat Pilates class, your first class is FREE. Please be sure to fill in the enrolment form when booking your first class.

Please be aware these group classes are for ‘healthy’ bodies. If you have injuries or specific medical conditions, the private sessions would be best for you until you are ready for group classes. Please be sure to have medical clearance before attending class.

With a maximum of 10 participants per class ensures that Fiona can provide you with her personalised service by giving corrections and modifications to exercises to your level during the class. Bookings are essential.



10 class pack

$220 - Valid 3 months

6 class pack

$144 - Valid 2 months

casual class
